Internet Safety
At St Mary's we are part of Network for Learning (N4L) which is a crown owned technology company that provides fast, safe internet access for all schools in New Zealand. We also work with Fusion Networks who provide school wide IT support.Internet Safety
BYOD - Bring Your Own Device
Our vision is to allow our learners to be confident learners within different contexts. We want our students to be confident digital citizens who are able to use a range of skills and capabilities to explore, investigate and critically think about the world they live in.Our school provides iPads for the junior school and Chromebooks for Year 3 -8. Students are welcome to bring their own devices but this not a requirement.BYOD - Bring Your Own Device
We are aware that some students bring cellphones to school with them each day as they need them outside of school hours.All students personal mobile phones must be switched off and handed into the office during school hours.Cellphones
Smart Watches
Smart watches may be worn but all internet capabilities must be switched off while at school or switched to “school mode”If the smart watch can not be switched to school mode we can store it safely for the duration of the day. Smart Watches